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The NHL 18 GamePack is a sports pack, amongst the first of its kind, that allows you to have precision control over the direction of shots, on the fly.  Using the paddles as mod activators, take advantage of the SHOT PICKER SYSTEM, the heart of this GamePack.  Choose the type of shot, such as wrist shot, slap shot, snap shot or one timer, and then aim that shot to any of the four corners and the five hole.


Pull off the most difficult dekes in the game with ease, thanks to the DEKE SYSTEM.  And the PAYBACK SYSTEM has got you covered for generating the much needed virtual currency.

Our NHL 18 control scheme allows you to maintain precision stick control, while at the same time giving you a strategic edge by predetermining the next shot location all in an instant, giving you the competitive edge in the fastest game on ice!


Select the appropriate GAMEPACK MODE SLOT.  HOLD the top LEFT SELECT/PADDLE Button to navigate using EITHER PADDLE to CYCLE through the 8 GAMEPACK MODE SLOTS, represented by LEDs 1-8.  You will know that you are in GAMEPACK MODE as identified by the GEAR HEAD EYES FLASHING back and forth.  Your device will display the current GAMEPACK SLOT LED.


This is the heart of the NHL 18 Pack.  The SHOT PICKER allows you to predetermine the type of shot and where the shot is going to be aimed.

In order to use the SHOT PICKER, simply HOLD LEFT PADDLE to choose SLAP SHOT or HOLD RIGHT PADDLE to choose WRIST SHOT, and while continuing to hold the paddle, press the appropriate FACE BUTTON to aim the shot into either of the FOUR CORNERS or press the RIGHT BUMPER for the FIVE HOLE.


We have also incorporated a HIGH ACCURACY PULL BACK WRIST SHOT via HOLDING EITHER PADDLE (hand-centric) and LEFT BUMPER together to be used with the SHOT PICKER.  Again, in order to aim the desired shot, while holding, simply choose a FACE BUTTON or RIGHT BUMPER (listed below).


By default, the SHOT PICKER will aim to the very outermost corners of the net.  Of course every player has varying accuracy and handling, which needs to be adjusted for accordingly.

In order to adjust the corner shots toward the center of net, simply use our adjustment system.  Hold ANY PADDLE and Press UP or DOWN D-Pad to adjust in increments. While HOLDING ANY PADDLE, Press UP D-Pad to incrementally pull the shot towards to the outermost corner or Press DOWN D-Pad to incrementally pull the shot diagonally closer towards the center of the net.  You can see a visual representation of this adjuster on the StrikePack's LED's.  NOTE:  You can also view and adjust your current Shot Aim setting in Mod Central.


This allows you to set up and be ready for a ONE TIMER.  This is very effective as it works in conjunction with the SHOT PICKER and allows you to predetermine where your ONE TIMER is going the moment the puck comes your way.


To ready your ONE TIMER, simply HOLD LEFT PADDLE and LEFT TRIGGER together.  This allows you to have limited on ice movement while being instantly ready for the ONE TIMER.  To release your ONE TIMER, simply press the appropriate FACE BUTTON or RIGHT BUMPER.

By HOLDING LEFT PADDLE and PRESSING LEFT TRIGGER, you can easily adjust the type of shot as well.  This allows for the execution of SNAP SHOTS.  When HOLDING LEFT PADDLE and PRESSING LEFT TRIGGER, this causes the pull back stick animation of the player in game, but then adjusting when you PRESS FACE BUTTONS or RIGHT BUMPER for aiming, you can vary the shot time between SNAP SHOT and SLAP SHOT.


This allows for a PULL BACK WRIST SHOT that the game deems more accurate.  Simply HOLD LEFT PADDLE and LEFT BUMPER together and then use the FACE BUTTONS/RIGHT BUMPER SHOT PICKER to release the aimed shot.

NOTE:  This move is hand-centric.  You MUST use RIGHT PADDLE for right handed in game players and LEFT PADDLE for left handed in game players for it to execute correctly.


The NHL Pack repurposes the most difficult moves/dekes in the game to a PADDLE ACTIVATED system that greatly simplifies their execution.  Five dekes are included in the system:  BETWEEN THE LEGS;  WINDMILL LEFT;  WINDMILL RIGHT;  RIDE THE STICK;  and DATSYUK.

NOTE:  Deke System is designed only for up direction movement.  BETWEEN THE LEGS is hand-centric.  You MUST use RIGHT PADDLE for right handed in game players and LEFT PADDLE for left handed in game players for it to execute correctly.


The NHL Pack has a VC (Virtual Currency) generator that allows you to play the game automatically while you are away from your console, in order to generate HUT currency.  This works in exhibition mode so that your rank remains unaffected.  This generates about 750 credits a game and will automatically adjust your lines.

As you generate currency, it is important to ensure your team has enough players.  Running out of players is the LIMITING factor in this automatic generator.  We RECOMMEND that you load up your team with as many cheap players as possible, so that the generator can keep playing games for as long as it can.

NOTE:  As with any VC generator, a stable internet connection is required.  Although highly unlikely, subsequent game updates may result in decreased or otherwise altered functionality of the Payback System, or even removal of features.


This Quick Control will Suspend/Resume All Mods for situations where you might need NO MODS in a hurry.

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