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Fortnite v1.13.7 2019.06.26.


The Fortnite pack is designed for Battle Royale mode, with unique mods that focus on greatly enhancing your shot accuracy, and providing you with plentiful tools to use quick and responsive tactics against otherwise unpredictable opponents and events.


  • Decimate them all as you snap to and track your opponents with AIM ABUSE.


  • Control your fire rate for high accuracy shots with STEADY FIRE or AUTO BURST FIRE.


  • Improve your accuracy further and duck behind cover with CROUCH AIM.


  • Maximize your available mods with SPLIT FIRE for Combat/Builder Pro.


  • With DUAL FIRE AI, detect your dual weapons and then quickly switch and fire between them, gaining an unexpected upper hand in combat that your opponents will struggle to predict.


  • Command the building space with BUILD ASSIST PRO for Builder Pro.​​​


Experience these mods and much more!



Select the appropriate GAMEPACK MODE SLOT.  HOLD the top LEFT SELECT/PADDLE Button to navigate using EITHER PADDLE to CYCLE through the 8 GAMEPACK MODE SLOTS, represented by LEDs 1-8.  You will know that you are in GAMEPACK MODE as identified by the GEAR HEAD EYES FLASHING back and forth.  Your device will display the current GAMEPACK SLOT LED.



QUICK MODS/CONTROLS in this GamePack mostly utilize the LEFT D-Pad.  To avoid accidentally entering the GamePack Menu Mode, Aim Down Sights (default LEFT TRIGGER) whenever possible while toggling these controls.


MASTER QUICK CONTROL is helpful if mods designed for a specific action are interfering with another in game action or menu.


  • HOLD the TOUCHPAD/VIEW & CROSS/A Buttons together for 1 second to SUSPEND/RESUME ALL MODS.


This pack is configured for DEFAULT Combat Pro in game controls and settings, by DEFAULT.

  • To configure this pack for DIFFERENT in game controls and settings such as Builder Pro, MATCH every setting in the Mod Central config to your in game settings.  A small number of Builder Pro Custom in game remaps are supported in the Mod Central config.


  • For Controller Sensitivity, 0.1 - 1.0 in game is represented by 1 - 10; in between in game values such as 0.75 are NOT supported.


  • For Controller Building Sensitivity, 1.0 - 2.0 in game is represented by 100 - 200 in increments of 20 (0.2).  For example, 1.2 in game would be 120.  In game values below 1.0 are NOT supported.  For more consistent results with mods at a higher Controller Sensitivity of 8 or above, use a Controller Building Sensitivity of 1.4 or lower.


  • For Controller Edit Hold Time, .10 - .25 in game is represented by 10 - 25 in the Mod Central config in increments of 1 (.1).  For example, .15 in game would be 15 in the config.


If you wish to play with Flipped Bumper/Trigger Swap, you have 2 choices.

  1. You can select Physical Flipped (Legacy) in the Mod Central config, which will work with all 4 button layouts, with the caveat that the in game button prompts will NOT match your controller.

  2. You can select Builder Pro Custom Flipped in the Mod Central config, and using the in game Custom option, remap the Builder Pro Combat/Build Controls accordingly to swap your bumpers with your triggers.


WARNING:  Custom remapping beyond what is supported or otherwise altering your controls through ways outside of the in game settings is UNSUPPORTED and will cause mods to NOT function as intended, or at all.


WARNING 2:  The in game Dead Zone setting is UNSUPPORTED.  If you change this from its default 0.12, you may experience issues.  Always reset to 0.12, and try the mod again before contacting support.  To change your dead zones without affecting mods, please load up Mod Central, click on the top left Remapper section and then change your X/Y dead zones on the 2 Advanced Settings sections.  Make sure Mirror Advanced Settings is CHECKED, then SAVE.


WARNING 3:  This pack relies on Vibration being set to ON in game, as well as in your console's menu settings.  Fortnite unusually defaults to OFF so be sure to fix this.  If vibration or rumble from games is undesired, please load up Mod Central, click on the top left Remapper section, then ensure BOTH Disable Rumble and Mirror Advanced Settings are CHECKED, then SAVE.


BUILD MODE TRACKING for the Builder Pro button layout.  If Enabled in the Mod Central config, the CIRCLE/B Button will be tracked to prevent interference from certain mods while you are trying to build.

  • In Build Mode, a RED LIGHTBAR LEFT 4 WHITE LEDS will indicate these mods are SUSPENDED.  These mods are RESUMED when you exit Build Mode, but this can potentially DESYNC; switch to your pickaxe or TAP the TRIANGLE/Y Button to RESYNC.

    • Alternatives to Build Mode Tracking include, the Build Assist Pro paddle mod, the Master Quick Control, or paddle mod alternatives.


Although we HIGHLY RECOMMEND initially setting up your mods in the Mod Central config, you can also access most of these mod settings from the GamePack Menu Mode:


When Rapid Fire is ON, as long as you are HOLDING down the Attack Button (default RIGHT TRIGGER), the game will think you are rapidly tapping it as fast as possible.  Semi-automatic weapons that would normally only fire a single bullet or burst each time, will become fully automatic.


When Steady Fire is ON, as long as you are HOLDING down the Attack Button (default RIGHT TRIGGER), the game will think you are tapping it at a steady pace.  Ideal for fully automatic assault rifles at mid to long range; the reduced rate of fire results in improved accuracy and the conserving of ammunition.


When Auto Burst Fire is ON, as long as you are HOLDING down the Attack Button (default RIGHT TRIGGER), the game will think you are repeatedly holding and releasing it for short bursts.  Ideal for submachine guns (SMGs) at mid range; the controlled bursts of fire result in improved accuracy and the conserving of ammunition. For your pickaxe or semi-automatic weapons, RAPIDLY TAPPING the Attack Button yourself, keeps the mod from slowing them down.


With Burst Recorder, found in Menu Mode Class 1 Mod 5 or 6; simply HOLD & RELEASE the LEFT TRIGGER to record and then test the result with the RIGHT TRIGGER to determine the length of the burst to best suit your current, fully automatic weapon.



With Press Sensitive, if the Attack Button (default RIGHT TRIGGER) is FULLY HELD all the way down, your chosen Weapon Fire mod will be BLOCKED and the RIGHT TRIGGER will function as normal; anything LESS than FULLY HELD, and your chosen Weapon Fire mod will be ACTIVATED.  There are reasons to suddenly wish for normal trigger function; driving, pickaxe, minigun, or firing a fully automatic weapon at full speed.


Press Sensitive is ONLY available if the Attack Button remains on the RIGHT TRIGGER.  Alternatively, you can rely on the simple to access Quick Control in the table below:



  • All Weapon Fire mods are using an optimized setting by default; if you wish to adjust a mod further, keep the following in mind:

    • Rapid Fire will only fire as fast as the game will allow.

    • Steady Fire & Auto Burst Fire always trade rate of fire for increased accuracy.



  • To begin adjusting:

    • LEFT BUMPER increments towards SLOWER Rapid Fire, MORE TIME BETWEEN SHOTS for Steady Fire, LONGER BURST LENGTH for Auto Burst Fire (LIGHT rumble).

    • RIGHT BUMPER increments towards FASTER Rapid Fire, LESS TIME BETWEEN SHOTS for Steady Fire, SHORTER BURST LENGTH for Auto Burst Fire (HEAVY rumble).

    • If while adjusting, you reach the MIN/MAX SETTING (NO rumble).

  • To test the result at any time, HOLD the RIGHT TRIGGER.

  • To record Auto Burst Fire length; HOLD & RELEASE the LEFT TRIGGER (HEAVY rumble).

  • Once you are happy with the result, you can exit Menu Mode.


When ADS Aim Assist is ON, as long as you are FULLY HOLDING the Aim Down Sights Button (default LEFT TRIGGER) all the way down, you are always being slightly assisted towards your current target.

When Aim Abuse is ON, as long as you are FULLY HOLDING the Aim Down Sights Button (default LEFT TRIGGER) all the way down, you will snap to, be assisted towards and effectively track your current target.  Aim Abuse can track up to roughly 200m.


When Aim Abuse (On Fire) is ON, the same applies, but it will NOT activate until you are FIRING.


  • The in game Aim Assist MUST be set to ON.

  • The Controller Sensitivity in the Mod Central config MUST MATCH the in game setting.

  • This mod does NOT work with scoped weapons.

  • This mod is NOT an aimbot.

  • This mod is dependent on your internet connection; ideally a stable ping under 40.

  • Try to limit your own movement where possible for better tracking.

  • Try to manually aim towards your target to help it stay on track.

  • Try to space out your shots at range for better bullet accuracy, or use Steady Fire.

  • Check that Aim Assist for Aim Abuse is enabled in the Mod Central config.  The mild screen shaking improves the tracking.

  • Check that if Press Sensitive for Aim Abuse is enabled in the Mod Central config, that you are FULLY HOLDING the LEFT TRIGGER all the way down.  With it enabled, it is more convenient to use scoped weapons or brake with vehicles.


  • The Custom mods are intended for players with specific preferences and an understanding of how the mod interacts with the in game mechanics.  Affected by the ADS HOLD/RELEASE sliders in the Mod Central config, both sliders default to the current optimized and recommended setting.

    • Known settings include 310/15 (current default), 180/20 (popular community setting), 265/60 (previous default), but we cannot provide support beyond the default setting.

    • In Menu Mode Class 2 Mod 4 or 5:  LEFT/RIGHT BUMPER increases/decreases HOLD time, while LEFT/RIGHT TRIGGER increases/decreases RELEASE time; you can see it changing on the fly, so it is worth having a friend run past your crosshairs in Creative Mode.


When Crouch Aim is ON, as long as you are FULLY HOLDING the Aim Down Sights Button (default LEFT TRIGGER) all the way down, you will crouch, which improves the accuracy of your shots.  You will stand upon release.  Consider moving your Rotate Piece Button.

When Hop Shot is ON, as long as you are FULLY HOLDING the Attack Button (default RIGHT TRIGGER) all the way down, you will bunny hop, which makes you difficult to hit.

When Crouch Aim/Hip Hop Shot is ON, BOTH of the above mods are active, with the exception that you will only be able to bunny hop while attacking from the hip.  Consider moving your Rotate Piece Button.


When Turbo Crouch Aim is ON, as long as you are FULLY HOLDING the Aim Down Sights Button (default LEFT TRIGGER) all the way down, you will rapidly crouch, which makes you difficult to hit.  Consider moving your Rotate Piece Button.


For Builder Pro, these mods are intended to be used with Build Mode Tracking Enabled in the Mod Central config, or alternatively the Build Assist Pro paddle mod.  Without a solution, these mods can rotate or block your building pieces.


SPLIT FIRE FOR COMBAT PRO OR BUILDER PRO BUTTON LAYOUT.  When Split Fire is ON, this powerful mod adds a second function to the left/right weapon switch buttons, allowing you to use several ideal combinations of our best mods without affecting your triggers or assigning a precious paddle.


As long as you are HOLDING the Left Weapon Switch Button (default LEFT BUMPER) the first mod will activate, OR, as long as you are HOLDING the Right Weapon Switch Button (default RIGHT BUMPER) the second mod will activate.  If you wish to switch weapons or have the buttons basically function as they normally would, QUICKLY TAP & RELEASE.  If you wish to have either buttons held with a normal in game function, QUICKLY TAP, RELEASE & HOLD the button; this is useful for actions that require you to hold for a period of time.


Note that if you are flipped, your left/right weapon switch buttons can potentially be on your triggers and the trigger must be FULLY HELD all the way down to activate the mod.


For Builder Pro, these mods are intended to be used with Build Mode Tracking Enabled in the Mod Central config, or alternatively the Build Assist Pro paddle mod.  Without a solution, these mods can rotate or block your building pieces.


When Auto Bunny Hop is ON, it will NOT instantly start bunny hopping.  CLICK & HOLD in the LEFT STICK Button & TAP CROSS/A Button at the same time to toggle ON/OFF the bunny hopping at will - especially important for the menu or while you are gliding, where it otherwise keeps pressing CROSS/A.


Note that if you are using Builder Pro Custom button layout with Left Stick (Edit) or Right Stick (Jump), Auto Bunny Hop will be disabled.

Looking for Auto Run?  We recommend using the in game “Sprint by Default: On” setting, as that is effectively a built in Auto Run.


When Slow Rotate is ON, you can toggle your aim being slowed down at will to prevent your head from popping out of a bush while you are rotating to observe your environment.  Note that if you use a high controller sensitivity, you can even use this mod for slower, more precise aiming at range.

Once Slow Rotate is ON, this mod will have no effect by default to avoid adversely affected aiming during normal gameplay.  QUICKLY HOLD the LEFT D-Pad & TAP the CROSS/A Button at the same time to toggle slow rotation / precise aiming ON/OFF.


This mod needs to know your sensitivity!

  • CONTROLLER SENSITIVITY MATCH your in game controller sensitivity in the Mod Central config.  0.1 - 1.0 in game is represented by 1 - 10; in between in game values such as 0.75 are NOT supported.


When Hair Triggers is ON, triggers will always be treated as if they have been fully pressed down the moment they are registered as being pressed.  This may not be immediately obvious but it can save you precious milliseconds when you react to enemies.


Hair Triggers remains fully compatible with any Press Sensitive trigger features.


When Class 8 is ON, LEFT PADDLE will activate your chosen Paddle Mod.


When Class 9 is ON, RIGHT PADDLE will activate your chosen Paddle Mod.


Note that your internet connection quality can affect DUAL FIRE AI.  Should you encounter issues, there is a DUAL SWITCH SPEED adjustable to compensate for this; in the Mod Central config or from Menu Mode Class 8/9 Mod 5:  LEFT/RIGHT BUMPER decreases/increases speed.



TAP PADDLE TO JUMP can be enabled for either or both paddles in the Mod Central config.  It is compatible with all paddle mods except Dual Fire AI, Quick Wall Builder, Head Glitch Builder, Build Assist Pro, Quick 90 Build, Block Shot.  QUICKLY TAP & RELEASE the PADDLE to jump.



BUILD ASSIST PRO SETTINGS can be enabled for the Build Assist Pro paddle mod in the Mod Central config.  See BUILD ASSIST PRO FEATURES for more info.




These mods need to know your sensitivity!

  • CONTROLLER SENSITIVITY MATCH your in game controller sensitivity in the Mod Central config.  0.1 - 1.0 in game is represented by 1 - 10; in between in game values such as 0.75 are NOT supported.

  • CONTROLLER BUILDING SENSITIVITY MATCH your in game controller building sensitivity in the Mod Central config.  1.0 - 2.0 in game is represented by 100 - 200 in increments of 20 (0.2).  For example, 1.2 in game would be 120.  In game values below 1.0 are NOT supported.

  • For more consistent results with mods at a higher Controller Sensitivity of 8 or above, use a Controller Building Sensitivity of 1.4 or lower.



VIBRATION MUST be set to ON for BUILD ASSIST PRO.  If you NEVER use rumble, you can find out how to mirror disable rumble in all games on the Mod Central page.


REQUIREMENTS:  Class 8 or 9, Paddle Mod 8 Build Assist Pro set to ON.  Builder Pro button layout, and Controller/Build Sensitivity MATCHED in the Mod Central config.  Vibration set to ON.



For Infinite Fort or Rapid Ramp Fortified, make sure you have plenty of materials.  You MUST be on even terrain and lined up North (N), East (E), South (S), or West (W).


For Infinite Fort, stand close to your wall blueprint and align your crosshairs in the middle of the 4 icons.  Now while you are HOLDING the PADDLE & the SQUARE/X Button together at the same time, you will keep building up fort levels until you run out of materials or release the buttons.


For Rapid Ramp Fortified, while HOLDING the PADDLE, look slightly down, roughly 30 degrees, and TAP the TRIANGLE/Y Button to build the first fortified ramp.  Now, remain looking slightly down and begin making your way up the ramp in a straight line.  Once you reach the top of the ramp, you should be looking down at the next ramp you are going to build.  Keep your camera in this position, and begin HOLDING the TRIANGLE/Y Button while running forward to keep building fortified ramps until you run out of materials or release the buttons.



  • While HOLDING the PADDLE, QUICKLY TAP & RELEASE the SQUARE/X Button to instantly place your trap.

  • While HOLDING the PADDLE, QUICKLY TAP & RELEASE the RIGHT D-Pad to quickly switch your current trap.

    • ​This is NOT compatible with the in game Builder Pro: Build Immediately setting.​



  • For Insta Build to be active, you MUST have enabled it in "Build Assist Pro Settings" in the Mod Central config.  While HOLDING the PADDLE, Insta Build ensures that you will instantly place building pieces, bypassing the confirmation of placement.

  • For Smart Edit to be active, you MUST have enabled it in "Build Assist Pro Settings" in the Mod Central config.  While HOLDING the PADDLE, Smart Edit allows you to edit all 4 building pieces, even if the in game edit button prompt does not display.  You MUST be looking at the building piece that you wish to edit, then TAP the CIRCLE/B Button.



  • While HOLDING the PADDLE, Smart Repair allows you to repair all 4 building pieces, even if the in game repair button prompt does not display.  You MUST be looking at the damaged building piece that you wish to repair, then TAP the SHARE/VIEW Button.



  • While HOLDING the PADDLE, Fast Reset allows you to quickly reset a build edit on a structure.  For example, you wish to fill in a window to make it a solid wall.  You MUST be looking at the edited building piece that you wish to reset, then TAP the OPTIONS/MENU Button.



  •  While HOLDING the PADDLE, QUICKLY TAP & RELEASE the UP D-Pad to quickly change your crouch status.  If you are crouching you will stand up, if you are standing you will crouch.



  • Safety Net ONLY works in Playground, where bounce pads are still available.  While HOLDING the PADDLE & the DOWN D-Pad when you are falling, Safety Net provides you with a SMALL CHANCE to cushion your fall.  You MUST have at least 10 materials, a bounce pad selected as your current trap, and a stable ping of less than 40.  You MUST direct your fall so that you will be looking at the center of the ramp when you approach the ground.  Before you land, you MUST be falling and looking straight down; If you are falling at an angle, or moving the analog sticks, it can cause you to miss and take damage.  This mod will NOT save you on uneven terrain such as hills, or if you land at the top or bottom of the ramp.  This mod is tricky to get the hang of, and requires some practice.


If you are using the in game default Combat Pro button layout, the in game default Invert View Off, and you have no interest in Flipped, then you can safely ignore this section.


Class 10 Button Layout MUST MATCH your in game button layout selection for the mods to function correctly.  Ideally, you will have already done this as the first option within the Mod Central configuration for Fortnite.




Due to popular demand, there is limited support for SOME in game custom buttons based on Builder Pro button layout; any further custom buttons are NOT supported.​


In the Mod Central configuration for Fortnite, you can select from these supported Builder Pro custom button remaps:

  • Setting edit to RIGHT D-Pad.

  • Setting edit to LEFT STICK.

  • Setting jump to RIGHT STICK.


To start using custom controls, reset your custom controls to the default Builder Pro configuration in the game settings.  Now set up your controls.


To set up your edit button to RIGHT D-Pad:

  • Remap your RIGHT D-Pad button to edit.


To set up your edit button to LEFT STICK:

  • Remap your LEFT STICK button to edit.

  • It is highly recommended that you set the in game “Sprint by Default” setting to On, or you will no longer have access to sprinting.


To set up your jump button to RIGHT STICK:

  • Set your RIGHT STICK button to jump.

  • Next, set your CROSS/A button to crouch/repair in combat mode, and rotate/repair in build mode.



Invert View much like Button Layout Mode, MUST MATCH your in game Invert View Off (default) or On setting for XP Generator to function correctly.  This can ONLY be selected within the Mod Central configuration for Fortnite.


Physical Flipped (Legacy) globally swaps the bumpers with the triggers, so that aim down sights and attack are on the bumpers.  This can ONLY be selected within the Mod Central configuration for Fortnite.  With Physical Flipped, you MUST keep your ADS/Attack on the in game default setting (do NOT remap them in game or anywhere else) and be aware that any in game prompts for triggers and bumpers will no longer match your controls (RIGHT TRIGGER prompt will actually be RIGHT BUMPER on your controller, etc).


Builder Pro Custom - In Game Flipped is the superior way to swap the bumpers with the triggers for when you are using the Builder Pro button layout.  It does require a little more effort to set up but with this method, all in game prompts for triggers and bumpers will match your controller, which avoids a confusing experience.  Begin with selecting the Builder Pro button layout in game and then use the Custom option to remap BOTH your aim down sights and fire to the bumpers.  Now, depending on whether you chose to change both combat/build controls or only 1 of them, select the appropriate option in the Mod Central configuration for Fortnite.


To start using custom controls, reset your custom controls to the default Builder Pro configuration.  Next set up your controls.


To set up combat controls:

  • Set your LEFT BUMPER to aim down sights.

  • Set your RIGHT BUMPER to attack/confirm.

  • Set your LEFT TRIGGER to previous weapon.

  • Set your RIGHT BUMPER to next weapon.


To set up build controls:

  • Set your LEFT BUMPER to stair piece.

  • Set your RIGHT BUMPER to wall piece.

  • Set your LEFT TRIGGER to roof piece.

  • Set your RIGHT BUMPER to floor piece.


When Flipped, any Press Sensitive trigger features are disabled and accounted for.


Quick Mods and other useful controls are additional helpful mods that do not belong to a class.  You will NOT find these mods in Mod Central.  Quick Mods are typically NOT saved settings and only persist as ON for as long as your device is plugged in or selected on this pack.




This allows for simple recording and fast playback of the emote you currently want to show off.


Fast Emote MUST be enabled in the Mod Central config, in order to use it.


  • HOLD the LEFT TRIGGER & TAP the DOWN D-Pad at the same time to begin recording. 

    • The emote menu will open (HEAVY rumble).

    • Select the emote you wish to record (LIGHT rumble).

  • HOLD the DOWN D-Pad & TAP the SQUARE/X Button at the same time to playback your recorded emote.




This allows you to instantly reset a build edit on a structure that you are looking at.  For example, you wish to fill in a window, so it is a solid wall.


Note that this Quick Mod is always disabled if you are using a Builder Pro Custom button layout with Right Stick (Jump).  In this case, you can still use the Fast Reset that is part of the Build Assist Pro paddle mod.


  • ​QUICKLY HOLD the LEFT D-Pad & CLICK in the LEFT STICK Button at the same time to toggle.

    • ON:  HEAVY rumble / OFF:  LIGHT rumble.

  • Once ON, CLICK & HOLD in the LEFT STICK Button & CLICK in the RIGHT STICK Button at the same time to fast reset a structure.




When Item Juggle is ON, you can juggle a 6th item in your inventory.  It is possible to carry more than 1 extra item, but it is more difficult to maintain.  For the best performance, you will need to first be crouching and then activate the mod to start juggling the item.  Then continue crouching and walk forward while looking almost completely up for the best chance of continuously juggling the item.


Once the item has been picked up the first time, you will feel a HEAVY rumble indicator; this means the item is now being juggled.


Note that if any of the following conditions occur; you stop juggling the item for more than 3 seconds, no rumble was detected for picking up the item, you TAP the CIRCLE/B Button or use Build Assist Pro to enter build mode, or you TAP the SQUARE/X Button again after activating the mod, you will feel a LIGHT rumble indicator; this means the mod is deactivated.


The item may occasionally fall out anyway and then you will need to pick it up again.


VIBRATION MUST be set to ON for ITEM JUGGLE.  If you NEVER use rumble, you can find out how to mirror disable rumble in all games on the Mod Central page.


  • ​QUICKLY HOLD the LEFT D-Pad & TAP the LEFT BUMPER at the same time to toggle.

    • ON:  HEAVY rumble / OFF:  LIGHT rumble.

  • Once ON, TAP & RELEASE the SQUARE/X Button to activate or deactivate Item Juggle.




When Quick Scope is ON, automatically fire a single shot when RELEASING Aim Down Sights (default LEFT TRIGGER), allowing you to time your perfect Quick Scope.  Most effective with sniper rifles, and high damage single shot weapons such as hunting rifles and heavy/pump/double barrel shotguns.


You MUST toggle OFF Quick Scope for build mode if you are NOT using either the Build Mode Tracking option in the Mod Central config or the Build Assist Pro paddle mod.


  • ​QUICKLY HOLD the LEFT D-Pad & TAP the TRIANGLE/Y Button at the same time to toggle.

    • ON:  HEAVY rumble / OFF:  LIGHT rumble.




MASTER QUICK CONTROL will SUSPEND/RESUME MODS for situations where you might need NO MODS in a hurry, so that mods can never interfere when you do not want them to.


  • HOLD the TOUCHPAD/VIEW & CROSS/A Buttons together for 1 second to toggle.

    • SUSPEND:  HEAVY rumble / RESUME:  LIGHT rumble.

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